Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Cinna's poem for Ceasar
Caesar couldn't have see his fate
that lied beneath the face of death
For when he try'd to right for Rome
they thought he wont let alone
The thirst for power is only human
but Caesar love for Rome they did not see
Caesar is like a Lion
Loyal and just
His death swept the land like fire
and all he could do was inspire
as Rome watched this act so wrong
is lost what did not belong
But even a man fit as a king
is not invincible to everything
Caesar was a man and so much more
for within he was pure and nothing more
They called him ambitious but what is the mean?
he wished for Rome to grow prosperous and free
So if his death was just, And Caesar was ambitious
then i will accept and i will agree but i believe he was not
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Silent Reading Book Review

Eric Walter's Grind.
Eric Walters has written over 60 novels, Eric's novels have one over 80 awards including 11 children's choice awards and many more. A couple of books that i have really liked of his are Overdrive,House party and juice. He is one of my favorite author's because all of his books are short full of action and easy to read.
I've been reading the Orca Soundings series since i was first recommended the book No problem by my grade 8 teacher. I've now read 6 books by Orca Soundings and have really enjoyed them all my favorite however would have to be Grind by Eric Walters. In this novel I find Eric Walters description of the skateboarding lifestyle to be almost surreal in its depiction of a success story.
This book takes place in an undefined part of the united states during the 90's and the atmosphere of 'Grind' is very light almost surreal because everything is vibrant. The problems he has seem minor compared to the other things going on. By the end of the book after Wally's had his accident it doesn't focus on him being hurt but on the actions that led up to that final scene like him landing his big stunt.
The book Grind is what seems almost like a success story about a skater named Philip and his best friend wally they've both been skating since they were 9 but when they meet a pro skater with his own web page it gives Phil the idea that they can do it too and they can make a bit of cash while doing it. So they set out to find some more skaters and someone to run the web page. Once there page starts getting hits the boys feel they have to start doing more dangerous stunts to keep updating their site.But in the end was it too much for 2 young boys?
This is my favorite book I've read it several times i really like this book because its a happy book. The boys set up there site and have so many hits and make money while also making new friends and getting better at skateboarding. Although i don't often read the last page because for me the last page ruins the story (I'm not sure if i can give away the ending so if you wish to read the book don't read this okay so in the end of the book they all quit skating and take down there site) like wtf! the whole book is about them skating and getting better and building this site then that happens its like when you watch a movie and in the end they wake up and it was all a dream its just a slap in the face, and so for that reason i would give this book four and a half star rating and i would recommend it to anyone interested in skateboarding
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Roman radio station WKRP
Host- "Good morning Romans and Romanettes, I'm tuluthious on WKRP radio here to bring you the latest gossip that's been floating around the Colosseum. Lately we've been hearing an awful lot about Caesar, Personally I think hes just what Rome needs to be a more dominant nation although some disagree. We have an anonymous guest who's here to share his opinion that Caesar's power should be limited."
Cassius- "Thank you Tuluthious for giving me the chance to share my opinion"
Host- "No problem Mr.Anonymous now lets hear how you feel about Caesar do you have a personal relationship with him?
Cassius-"I've known Caesar for some time now and personally as a friend i find him to be a great man but i do not believe he can handle leading Rome now or ever for he is a normal man like you and I."
Host-"You have a pretty strong opinion formed about Caesar so it sounds like you know something we don't, Would you mind filling us in?"
Cassius-"well some time back Caesar was challenged to a race down the River Tiber and he accepted this challenge and they met and started the race only the race had to end early because
Caesar was so tired from swimming he nearly drown and if it weren't for Cassius he would've but he was rescued."
Host-"I must say that is a rather shocking story to hear about Caesar but I'm not sure it means he is 'weak' if that's the point you were trying to get across"
Cassius-"I don't feel Caesar is fit to be a king, While we were in Spain Caesar fell upon illness known as the falling sickness after which he whimpered like a child"
Host-"well you have an intriguing point of view but i still feel Caesar is our man and he'll make us proud, Now were running out of time so you can make a last point before we've gotta go off air, Any last words?"
Cassius-"Yes, I'd like to say I in no way dislike Caesar Although i care for Rome and do not want to see it torn apart by a man that just couldn't handle the power"
Host-"Well that's all the time we have for now id like to give another thanks to our anonymous guest ill see you all tomorrow same time same station"
Word count:404